Let me preface this post with this statement: My body is here, but my heart is at home.
Boston is nice. I have been here over a week and I can only say this and be truly honest. It is just different. Not good different, not bad different, just different. I am not adjusting as well as I thought I would. Growing up in such a wonderful place I never took the time to really see all of the things Colorado had to offer. From the weather to the people it truly is a wonderful place to live.
Not that Boston doesn't have its charm, but it is just a different kind of charm. Colorado's charm is the "you are such a goober but it makes me smile" kind of charm, while Boston is charming, but in the mysterious "I should be careful with my emotions around you" charm. If that makes sense. It is just a different place.
I have had my first week of graduate classes and I feel pretty good about all of them. My directing teacher scares me to death. If I am being honest that class in general scares me. A lot of work and with it only meeting once a week a lot of it is on my own. YIKES!
My other two classes I feel will be fine. I really like my professors (for the time being) They seem to view teaching in a very personal way. Which I think I do too. They take the time to get to know all of their students on the first day. They don't want to know just your name, but they remember things about you as a person. Which I strive to do as a teacher myself. (I think I am that kind of teacher. Well I hope.)
My roommate and I get along very well and our apartment is pretty nice. I get decent exercise with all the walking I am doing, and seeing as we live on the 4th floor the stairs kick my butt every single. So there are some of the good things about my move to Boston. And I have met several people in my classes I can really see myself getting along with well.
Now for the slightly less positive side of the move.
I miss home. I miss my family. Man do I miss my family. I am so thankful for my wonderful family and I am thankful we are all close to each other. The downfall to being so close with them is that it makes it ten times harder to leave them. I know I can talk to them on the phone whenever I want, but its not the same as holding my niece and nephew and playing games with them or telling her a story before she goes to bed. I miss that a lot. Those two kids are the only two people in the world that can make a bad day good again.
I am blessed with a lot of people in my life who care about me.
My family I miss, but I miss my friends too. Monday nights just are not the same without the girls(and boy) Talk about two people that know me better than I know myself. Two people that help and encourage me to become a better version of myself. Both of whom encouraged me to write this. I can't think of two better people to call family. Reading this shows me how easy it is to have my head here in Boston, but my heart will remain in Colorado. Not to say I will hate it here and not live my life, because I will. It is just going to take me some time.
Although, it was not always the easiest job I miss that too. The kids and my friends.
Things are not going as I had planned(which I am sure is how it was meant to be)Whether its been people messing up my plans, my plans not being as good as I thought they were, or just plain old bad luck. Someone recently told me I am not as easygoing as I think I am. I am not saying this person is right, but I am starting to see that he may have a point. I want this move to be easier. So I want to move onward and upward. Now I need to figure out while I am here, what is worth holding onto from home and what do I need to let go of to allow myself to grow while I am here.
No one can hold you back. You are the only person who can hold yourself back. I know there are things back home that I don't want to let go of. I need strength to believe in what I have back home. And know that in 3 months when I come home it will be there waiting for me. Even if I am finding new things here.
Here is a quote from one of my professors that I hope I can learn from.
"More bad comes from timidity than from bravery. Fight, saying no to something you want leads you nowhere."
Sometimes you need to make the wrong choices to get to the right end.
What a great idea to have a blog. I guess I am not that techno savvy yet. Yea, every place is different, but each place teaches us new things about who we are. The more I love someone or something the harder it is to leave or say goodbye. I have made many moves in my life. I have shed many tears and am so grateful for the opportunity to shed them. It means that I have loved and been love deeply. There is nothing in the world I cherish more than those tears. Keep up the good work. School is supposed to be hard. I makes us stronger. And as I learned when we moved to Arkansas at the age of 13. It is never really goodbye it is only so long for now. Take care sweet one. I will be holding good thoughts and sending you loving energy.